Dear Members,
I hope that this update finds you well and managing to stay safe and busy during winter.
At our last Meeting held on 6th July the Committee reviewed feedback from members. Thanks for being so supportive of the Committee and its decisions during this time, we are very appreciative. We have also continued to work on our COVID Safe Plan which is in line with Government advice. Thanks to our members who provided suggestions for this plan.
We are working toward being able to reopen, but before we can we must have in place:
- Tightened booking conditions, that will clearly explain the responsibilities of people staying at the Lodge, regarding social distancing, hand cleanliness, personal hygiene and hard surface cleaning that will be required daily during your stay – Our COVID Safe Plan.
- An out-sourced cleaning service, that can be engaged to come in and clean the lodge between bookings.
- A fair, transparent and consistent method of allotting bookings as they may well be over subscribed.
The SMAC COVID Safe Plan details measures to minimise risks to members, their families, and anyone they may come in contact with.
Our SMAC COVID Safe Plan will be sent to all members before the Lodge reopens so everyone is aware of the requirements before bookings are sent in. We are not able, at this time, to provide a date for reopening but it will not be before our winter season ends and may not be immediately after the summer season would normally start. We will keep you updated.
Even with the SMAC COVID Safe Plan in place, it must be noted that we could never guarantee that COVID-19 would not be transferred from a stay at ARIMAC. Members will have to sign a declaration that they understand and will abide by the new requirements, including the risk of contracting COVID-19. We are mindful that Government imposed conditions may well be in place for some time.
Even though many of us will not have any stories from our time enjoying the white stuff for this year, the Committee are looking at how we can enjoy our end of season catchup and combine our AGM with that (we have received a time extension for our AGM from Fair Trading). We will let you know when and if we can find a venue that can hold us all whilst social distancing!
My email address is and I am happy to have you contact me at any time.
Sincerely yours,
Barry Neill