Spring 2017 Newsletter

Event Schedule

Spring Working Bee

Weekend of 21, 22 October has been set aside for Spring Working Bee.

Arrive Friday 20/10 and if you can stay on for mid-week Mon 23/10 to Fri 27/10 Gerry will have work planned.

If you plan on attending this working bee please contact Gerry Campbell, 0408264154 so that we can plan catering as well as jobs to be undertaken.

Christmas Party – Jamberoo Recreation Park, Sunday 3 December 2017

Jamberoo is on again for all the kids & members. It is always a great day with lots of fun rides as well as the barbecue & refreshments plus club prize presentations. Same as other years, you will need a special prepurchased ticket to gain entry, so be sure to let me (Ross, 42831633, 0407105236) know if you will be attending & numbers by

Tuesday 21 November so I can send out the ticket. I will collect money on the day, but as they are prepurchased, you must pay if you receive tickets.

Cost for members and their children $25.00 per head.

See you at Bayview Hut 1 for the day.

Club News

Alan Ritchie Granted Life Membership

In recognition of all that Alan has done for the club he was awarded Life Membership at the last AGM.

Alan was a Foundation Member of the club contributing in a number of areas in the set up of the club including acting as Booking Officer in the early days of Arimac operations. He has lately returned to active Committee Officer as Club Treasurer and has been responsible for the upgrading of our finance reporting to MYOB System.

Alan has also been responsible for the annual subs invoicing system that has given us a much improved result in receiving & controlling annual subs.

Club Race Weekend

A successful event was held on Upper Rollercoaster racecourse at Blue Cow with a total 21 racers. Remember this is a fun event for all level of skiers & boarders.

Fastest skier on the day was Ben Campbell from Troy Flinn.

Other results as follows:

Over 50″s 1st John McCloskey, 2nd Gerry Campbell, 3rd Brian Moran

Junior Boys 1st Corey Birch, 2nd Luke Burnard, 3rd Brandon Flinn

Ladies 1st Amanda Moran, 2nd Ariane Compagnin (snowboard), 3rd Leisa Spindler

Junior Girls 1st Emma Burnard, 2nd Lilly Flinn, 3rd Jayme Campbell

Check out our Webb Site for photos of this event.

Membership & Subs

Subs are due on 1 January and remain at $60 annually. Alan will produce invoices and be aware of the late payment fee.

Note that if you are not making use of the club we have a keen wait list of young families to replace resigning members. It is vital that we keep the membership active to ensure the prosperity of the club. If you are considering resigning just send me an Email & we will arrange a refund of your $1500 membership loan.

Junior Subsidy Applications

Any request for junior subsidy relating to child lift tickets should be received by Monday 4 December to allow for processing in current expense year.

Application should briefly set out dates skied & expenses for consideration.

General rule subsidy is max $100 representing 50% of expenses to $200, plus 50% expenses for Junior Week.

That”s all for now. Thanks to members’ for another successful year.


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