Winter Wrap 2016
Wet Winter just about sums up the average ski season we have enjoyed.
Thankfully the mountain recovered from the flood of late July to allow our Club race event to go ahead on Rollercoaster race course under blue sky conditions.
Special thanks to our Club Captain, Kevin Larkin for his work in co-ordinating activities for the Junior Week & Weekend event as well as the Club Race event.
Congrats also to Gerry Campbell who achieved over 100,000 vertical metres on his Perisher dashboard, I reckon Eileen was not far behind. I know they skied in blizzard & rain conditions to make the best of the Epic Pass, that’s commitment, and they are backing up for 15 days skiing in Colorado in February, (with yours truly, really looking forward to that!)
I think the revised booking conditions for 2016 were a success and would appreciate any comment or feedback on this or other issues relating to your stay at ARIMAC that may be considered in the annual lodge operation review.
Event News
30th Annual General Meeting
The AGM held at Bellambi Surf Club was well supported by a record number of members and their families.
It was great to see so many attending to discuss any issues or suggestions relating to club operations and catch up with ski friends to make plans for the following season.
May Working Bee
Gerry Campbell had a full list of jobs to be completed at the working bee and thanks go to those that attended for working through the list.
The success of the year was the install of the thermo heaters in the lower level rooms, and I have heard a whisper that these may be installed in the remaining 3 rooms for next Winter.
Junior Coaching Week & Weekend
The lodge was full and overflowing for this event and continues to be our main on snow function for members and their families.
Despite some blizzard conditions I hear the kids enjoyed it all, especially the sausage sizzle in the snow.
Barbecue cook, Gerry had to clear about 10cms of snow off the hotplate to cook the snags, not to mention a 3 hour drive from Perisher to the lodge in chaotic road conditions.
As mentioned earlier, Kevin arranged ski and board lessons with Perisher that were enjoyed by the kids.
Special thanks to parents who continue to support this special event.
Club Race Weekend
Kevin arranged fine weather for this event with 25 starters ranging from Brandon Flinn, aged 4 to John Burnard, aged 80+. That’s a great cross section of snow riders and contributed to many age divisions in the special awards presentations held in the lodge after another barbecue dinner. I think everybody received a prize chocolate. The real winner of the event was Luke Moran, who beat Ben Campbell to become our new Club Champion Downhill Skier. Special mention to John McCloskey, Gerry Campbell, Troy Flinn, Belinda Moran & Amanda Moran for their participation as well as all other competitors.
End of Season Dinner Sat 15 October, NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM (see previous post)
Come along to The Australian Motor Life Museum, Darkes Rd, West Dapto, for a family friendly spit roast dinner, with drinks and pre dinner anti pasta plates provided for the price of $30 per head for member & partner & child over 10. Enjoy pre dinner drinks outside on the lawn before dinner & a tour of the museum.
Respond to Gary as requested with RSVP. (Mob: 0409 999 942 Email: )
Gary has requested you arrange EFT payment to club account: BSB: 814282 Account No: 42083876, with Email notification to Gary of payment.
Working Bee – Sat & Sun 22 & 23 October 2016
The second working bee of the year is an opportunity to clean up the lodge in readiness for Summer visitors as well as attend to minor maintenance matters.
If you plan on attending this working bee please contact Gerry Campbell, 0408264154 so that we can plan catering as well as jobs to be undertaken.
Note that as this is only a minor working bee numbers may be restricted.
Christmas Party – Jamberoo Recreation Park, Sunday 27 November 2016
Jamberoo is on again for all the kids & members. It is always a great day with lots of fun rides as well as the barbecue & refreshments plus club prize presentations. Same as other years, you will need a special prepurchased ticket to gain entry, so be sure to let me (Ross, 42831633) know if you will be attending & numbers by Tuesday 15 November so I can send out the ticket. I will collect money on the day, but as they are prepurchased, you must pay if you receive tickets.
Cost for members and their children $25.00 per head.
See you at Bayview Hut 1 for the day.
Junior Subsidy
Members’ children are still subsidised half of their lift or lesson expenses to a maximum of $100 per season + half lift expenses incurred in junior week & weekend & Junior race weekend. Applications for subsidy must be submitted by end of the year expense incurred.
Annual Subs & MYOB Reporting
The new MYOB billing invoices for annual subs, due 1 January of each year has been successful thanks to Alan Ritchie’s work in mailing and following up on any outstanding amounts. Annual subs remain at $60 with a late payment processing fee applied.
Web Site
We are currently building a new Web site, thanks to Troy Flinn
Steelmakers also have a Facebook page that you can join & like for notification of updates.
Let me again be the first to wish all a Merry Christmas, and I hope to see you at Jamberoo or other planned events.
That’s all for now from Rossco