Autumn 2018 Newsletter

This contact point worked well last year so remains the contact number for our Booking Officer.
It allows for Rod to be mobile in his retirement & continue answering inquiries on Tuesday nights.
Again the club thanks Rod for his long commitment to the club in the position of Booking Officer. 

This revised booking allocation also worked well last year and so will remain in place for 2018 bookings. The system limits members initial booking requests to 2 weekends during the peak period, last weekend of July to end of August. (27 July to 26 August)  (Lot15,17,19,21,23) This enables all members to have fair access to request a booking for these weekends. Booking restriction window ends Tue 15 May.


AGM, Bellambi Surf Club
The 32nd AGM of Steelmakers Alpine Club is scheduled for Sunday 29 April 2018 at 2.00pm.
This is an ideal location for our meeting with good views to the sand & surf & allows for members to enjoy the meeting and the afternoon tea that follows in a relaxed atmosphere. See AGM notice for details. 

Working Bee –05 & 06 May with midweek work continuing to Friday 11 May.
Gerry Campbell has a list maintenance jobs as well as improvements to be undertaken at this working bee. If you are available for this working bee please contact Gerry on:

Email,,  or Mob 0408 264 154.

Number of members attending this working bee may be restricted and car-pooling for fuel subsidy will be encouraged.

Jobs planned for this WB include painting of eves requiring a lifter to access front & side as well as modifying the bedroom heater controls to a timed switch usage of 2 hours at a time.

This change in heater control has been prompted by current inability to control timing and the waste of power in heaters being on while lodge is vacant,

Junior Ski Week & Weekend – 16 to 22 July
The second week of the school holidays remains a members’ only week for families & their children to enjoy a club supported snow week. This is always a fun week for all with the kids cementing friendships on the snow & in the lodge. Our Club Captain, Kevin will arrange ski & snowboard lessons with Perisher for those interested.

The usual junior development weekend and kids party activities will be on Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 July, so be sure to book early for this weekend for a chance of getting a bed in the lodge. It is still the most popular weekend of all and the kids can enjoy themselves both on & off the snow. Again thanks to Kevin, parents and grandparents that play a part in the success of this event on & off the snow.

As school holidays are 1 week later this year these dates are later than previous years.

Club Race Weekend – Sat 04 August – Sun 05 August
This is a fun weekend for all with a bit of not so serious racing. Races are open to all ages with prizes and trophies to be awarded.

Races will be arranged for the Saturday with plenty of time to enjoy a ski with your fellow members of Steelmakers. Upper Rollercoaster at Blue Cow has been booked for the race, so nonskiers will be able to access the top of the course to cheer on their favourites.

To insure we get the best course conditions, start time will again be 10.00am.

Online registration for this event is required with Perisher Blue for participation. If you intend to compete please advise our Club Captain, Kevin Larkin on Ph 0418353284 for registration details.

The barbecue and celebration back at the lodge is always fun with times revealed and fun awards presented. Book early with Rod Harris to get a bed in the lodge.

Note that as per previous year the club will not be representing in Combined Illawarra Ski Club Races to be held Sat 18 August. Inter club Junior races are Sat 1 Sept. If anybody wishes to compete in these events contact our Club Captain (Kevin) for registration details.

Jamberoo Park Family Christmas Party – Sunday 2 December 2018
Jamberoo has been booked for the above date so make sure you plan ahead if attending this very popular club function. More details to follow.

Other Club News

Working Bee Report on Steelmakers Facebook Page
Thanks to our Maintenance Manager, Gerry Campbell for providing a detailed report for members’ interest on our Facebook Site, an amazing amount of work was completed at the October Working Bee. October 20 & 21 has been scheduled for this year’s October WB with possible extension into the week following.

Annual End of Season Celebration
We are planning for an End of Year Function for 2018 to celebrate 30 years of ARIMAC purchase & operation. Tentative date is Sat 10 November, venue TBA, suggestions welcome.

30 Year Album
I have produced a 30 year photo album of Steelmakers Club fun & history that records significant events in our short but successful operations from 1985 to 2015. I will have copies available to view & some to sell at the AGM for $50. I will also take orders if additional copies required.

Get Well Frank ( El President)
You may be aware that Frank has undergone back surgery to allow for more comfortable movement & mobility, he is recovering well but will require some significant rehab. This will limit his workload for working bees and other events but will see him back on deck soon.

RIP Hank, (HVS, Honkster, The Dutchman)
Hank fought a brave battle against cancer but left us in January. He answered to many names and was always fun to be around. Our thoughts are with Eva, Lee & Shane and other members of his family. He will be fondly remembered for his contribution to Steelmakers.

That’s all for now, see you at the AGM.   Ross / Secretary