COVID-19 Update

In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Government & Health Organization regulations, the Steel Makers Alpine Club lodge at East Jindabyne is closed until further notice.

The following is the direction that the SMAC Committee has agreed to with respect to this ever-changing health threat that the country is now battling and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

  1. Our Lodge ARIMAC in East Jindabyne will close as of 27/03/2020 until further notice.
  2. All moneys received for bookings beyond this date will be returned. Members with bookings can assist the process by sending their bank details to
  3. The AGM normally held in May will be postponed until later in the year if it is safe to do so. The information that is normally presented at the meeting will be discussed at our next committee meeting and may be sent out to members.
  4. Booking applications will be discussed at our next committee meeting and a decision made whether to accept applications or wait until the Government advises the Lodge can be re-opened. As always, no money would be paid until requested by the Booking Officer.
  5. Committee meetings will still happen monthly via virtual electronic means. The best method or platform is still being considered.
  6. A subcommittee of myself and 3 committee members will be elected to monitor the situation on behalf of the committee and send out information as it becomes available.
  7. The pre-season working bee has been cancelled, but a delegated committee member will visit the Lodge to make it secure for the long term vacancy. The entry key code will also be changed.
  8. When it is safe to use the Lodge, a working bee will be arranged to provide a thorough clean before any members and guests arrive.

We hope that you and yours remain healthy throughout this.

Sincerely yours,
Barry Neill